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Saturday, 30 April 2022

SMART Goals To Grow Your Social Media Account

The media today cannot strive greatly without utilizing the advanced technologies available for use in this dispensation. That is why it is so important social media strategy like ‘S.M.A.R.T goals’ must be effectively implemented in order to stay relevant and make impact. Below is the succinct explanation of the acronym S.MA.R.T. goals to aid today’s media.

1. Specific:

In order to increase your social media reach, it is important to set aside specific goals that are clear and not open to interpretation, which will in the long run get you closer to your ultimate destination. For example, you can set a goal of having 700 or 7000 followers on specific social media platforms and work towards achieving that.

2. Measurable:

If what you are hoping to achieve cannot be measured, then your goal is not clear enough and not likely to contribute to your business. It’s necessary to identify your progress and see whether you’re making progress or not. Always take particular notice of the number of your followers because when it comes to success, numbers really matter. Don’t just know you were successful; know how you became successful.

3. Attainable: 

A question you should always as yourself is; have your social media accounts contributed to this particular metric in the past? Use that information to set goals that are within your reach. Expecting to have over 500 retweets weekly when you only have 700 followers on twitter isn’t going to work. It is good to challenge yourself by aiming big but it is better to set goals that are realistic and attainable.
4. Relevant:

Undoubtedly, one of the effective ways of staying relevant is being in touch with your followers on social media. Making your social account a resourceful point of communication with customers who would like to know more about your brand or product. You can stay relevant by driving traffic to your website by use of your social media accounts.

5. Time-bound:

It is important to set specific time frame to reach your goals. You’ll be kept accountable and away from procrastination by giving yourself a deadline to achieve your goals. 

By: Edward Kyei Frimpong



Thursday, 28 April 2022


The journey of life presents everyone with an opportunity to make choices that will determine their future. These opportunities come in different forms and times, but it is encumbered on each person to make the best choice out of the lot. 

Whiles some people joyously embrace the opportunities that come their way, there are others who only find interest in other people’s opportunities and thereby miss theirs. It’s a sad reality to know that you lose focus once you begin to compare yourself with others instead of appreciating the little steps you make ahead in life.

We may all not take the same progressive steps simultaneously in life; therefore, it is important to embrace your baby steps whiles striving to make an even greater impact in the days ahead. It is a waste of time to see yourself in competition with a fellow who is only focused on his designated journey. It is true we are all running a race in life with our own selves and not with others. Therefore, you only measure your progress with each level of your personal achievement along the way. Run your race and let others run theirs!

A beautiful element of life that brings complete understanding of all things is time. With time, the pain, sweat, passion and dedication to turn the opportunities to life successes will make a lot of sense. The problem is many people are not so patient enough to actualize their dreams in life. People are almost always in a rush to take the next decision that may eventually deter their progress in the long run.

The patience to endure the struggle till the fruitful season seems more like a myth than actual achievable feet. People do no realize that sometimes during their struggle is where they find the strength and creativity to birth out unique solutions to the challenges facing the whole nation. Giving up on your personal goals and aspirations in life is not only a disservice to yourself, but humanity. 

The uncertainty of life is what fuels one to be conscious and cautious of the kind of decisions to take at every point in time. That genuine fear of the unknown future is the spark that drives people to put in extra effort to secure a beautiful tomorrow. 

Irrespective on one’s affiliation and status in this journey of life, there will always come a time where you will need a helping hand to lead you to your destination. That period humbles everyone to accept the fact that every individual is important in their own way. Therefore, treating everyone with a level of respect is paramount in the quest to achieve your goals.

The big question now is what sort of decision are you making presently? What is your motivating factor in taking that decision? Are you certain about being successful with that decision? Is there a plan b in place if that initial decision fails? How long will it take to see the positive effect of that decision? 

If you can somewhat find answers to these queries above, you are halfway through arriving at your goal. Life will always push you to be an innovative leader and a constant problem solver. The most successful people you find around the world are all problem solvers. They all identify a need and mechanize ways and means to solve them. That is the beauty of life. 

The goal is not about avoiding any problems. The goal is to be strong and firm in the decisions you make to overcome the problems that will always knock at your door as long as you live. Therefore, it’s important to remain focused on your goals and unperturbed about the turbulent challenges around you. You only need to be dedicated to finding answers to the beautiful puzzle of life.

By: Edward Kyei Frimpong 

Friday, 2 July 2021


For years, Ghana has been tagged as one of the most peaceful countries on the African continent but recent happenings give you a different view of the reality on ground.

The application of rule of law, freedom of speech, democracy, amongst others are some of the elements that created the beautiful impression in the minds of people both near and far, that Ghana is a very accommodating and peaceful country. So the question arises: What has changed?

One cannot pinpoint exactly what has changed over the years but the universal assumption is that; political power is being misused. For the records, this cuts across both the current and past governments that have had the privilege of ruling the nation.

The issue of insecurity in the country is a very delicate one that needs the maximum attention of the head of state to device adequate measures to be able to solve it. Where is the country heading towards if the people tasked with the responsibility of providing security for citizens turn around to attack the very ones they’re to protect? Why do security personnel almost always get away with it when they go wrong? Where is the assurance of justice of the law?


The recent incidents of violence in Kasoa, attacks on Bullion vans, killings of innocent citizens by military personnel in Ejura are major courses for alarm with respect to the peace of this nation. Why are people being intimidated with the constant presence of soldiers who mostly come to attack and cause more havoc?

Why can’t the police service be trusted to handle certain issues as simple as some concerned Ghanaians wanting to go on a demonstration to fix the country? Using security personnel to halt peaceful protest is a dent on Ghana’s democracy and freedom of expression. There’s indeed a big problem if citizens are not given the right to address their concerns through peaceful protests.

With the advent of technology and social media especially, we see a lot of online campaigns to address issues of national importance and to improve upon the quality of living. This however is sadly ignored and once you raise an issue against the government, you become an enemy and your genuine concerns not addressed. This mentality by government officials is something that has to change. Authorities must be accountable to the people they are supposedly serving.

President Akuffo Addo

In the heat of the Covid19 pandemic in early 2020, we witnessed how wonderfully the president of Ghana, Nana Akuffo Addo calmed the nerves and fears of Ghanaians by constantly coming out publicly to assure people of the measures put in place to curb the spread of the virus. The question is; why is the president silent on the recent brutalities in Ghana? Why is he not publicly reassuring us that he is in control and poised to ensure the safety and peace of everyone in the country? The silence of the most powerful person in Ghana is so loud and worrying. 

In the lead up to national elections, we see politicians come to the level of ordinary Ghanaians to listen to their struggles and subsequently make assurance of fixing pertinent issues. However, when they come into power with all the resources available, they turn deaf ears to the cry of the people who voted them into power. This is the sad reality of many Ghanaians.

It is about time every single individual in leadership position become accountable to the citizens of Ghana and fix problems that are glaring to see.

Ghanaians demand and deserve, peace, freedom and justice!

By: Edward Kyei Frimpong 

Thursday, 21 February 2019


It’s quite a sad sight whenever I go to the Black Star Square (formerly Independence Square) on a random day and set eyes on these “traditional photographers” who wait in anticipation for visitors of the historic ground to seek their services with pictures.

The sad aspect is really not about the photographers standing in the scorching sun, but then the pity look on their faces as they become spectators to people snapping several photos with their smart phones.

However, some of these photographers muster the courage to approach people and inquire whether they care for a photograph but almost 99% of visitors turn down such offer simply because they possess phones that take equally or even better pictures.

My whole point is, with the advent of technology, don’t these “traditional photographers” realize that the importance of their services would not be so much needed in this era as compared to two decades ago?

 I mean why would I pay money to be photographed by someone while I’ve got a mobile phone with great camera pixel? To make matters worse, a few people will prefer to have hard copies of their pictures as compared to majority of today’s world that have a whole photo gallery on phone.

It’s about time we begin advocating to these photographers to abreast themselves of the current trends and the advancement of technology, so they can be relevant in the competitive market.

They must understand the essence of branding themselves very well in order to attract the right kind of dividends they deserve.
 Photography is now a whole big business now as compared to probably three decades ago because of the magic tool of social media that makes it quite easy to get clients from any part of the world.

If these “traditional photographers” were to realize the awesome opportunities that come with the job they’ve toiled all their lives for, they would upgrade themselves with today’s advanced mechanisms and really excel in business.

Yes I understand most of these old fashioned photographers are not social media inclined, but then if we enlighten them to know the benefit of creating a brand image, they would find someone to create an account and constantly feed prospective clients with their works.

With the use of social media, it’s quite easy to market yourself not only to the people in your sphere of contact, but to anyone who may come across your post on the internet. Let’s help these people to be relevant in today’s world because it really breaks my heart to see them just ‘wandering in wonderland.’

Years ago, my man of God Pastor Chris Oyakhilome once said in one of his sermons that if mechanics who only learned to repair BMW cars don’t upgrade themselves with the functions of other cars, they’ll be out of business in ten years’ time.

That is very true because new brand of cars are popping out every time and mechanics who have invested time and money in learning how to fix variety of cars are the ones ripping benefit now.

The formula of being relevant in every season is inundating your mind and upgrading yourself with the current technological trends that are enhancing the growth of businesses.

 There are definitely more to elaborate upon but let me pause here for us to deliberate on this before we delve deeper.
Permit me to name this part one as we continue the deliberation later.

Monday, 13 August 2018


One of the most effective tools widely used by all is social media and it's appropriate to say the world has been made easier and smaller since its introduction.

The usage of social media platforms has offered us the opportunity to interact, make friends and transact businesses in several parts of the world, amongst other reasons.
Almost every engagements today first of all starts off on social media before physical meeting of persons. Much of our time is channelled to ensuring we are up to date with the latest trends on the internet, as some may call it.

There are of course several benefits social media has brought to humanity but then the other side of the coin is also true. Inasmuch as we may find so many positives with social media, a lot more negatives may also be derived. This article will basically dwell much on bringing out some of the negatives that are somewhat hidden or ignored, in an attempt for us to develop the ability of utilizing the power of the internet in a positive sense.

It will surprise you to know that the negative effects of social media are both physical and mental. It can change your perception of the world and yourself, and not always for the better.

The first negative effect of social media I want to bring your attention to is cyberbullying. Before the introduction of social media, bullying was something only done face-to-face. However, now, someone can be bullied online anonymously. Today everyone knows what cyberbullying is, and most of us have seen what it can do to a person.

While social media made making friends easier, it also made it easier for predators to find victims. The anonymity that social media networks provide can be used by perpetrators to gain people's trust and then terrorize them in from of their peers. These online attacks often leave deep mental scars and even drive people to suicide in some cases. You'll be surprised to know that cyberbullying isn't just affecting kids, but also full grown adults.

Another aspect of the negativity that comes with social media is "unrealistic expectations." Platforms like facebook, instagram and snapchat severely lack online authenticity, as most people see it as a norm to fake their identity in order to win the approval of people, and hence become "social media celebrities." Many people have so lost their self-esteem to the extent, the life they live in real time is the direct opposite of what they portray on social media. In essence, they feel so insecure but then think it's too late to truly live out their real life on social media.

To further point to you the effects spending too much time on social media might cause you, unhealthy-sleep-pattern is a definite thought to reflect on. On top of the increased rates of anxiety and depression, spending too much time on social media can lead to poor sleep. Numerous studies have shown that increased use of social media has negative effects on your sleep quality.

One of the most undermined effects of social media is the general addiction that comes with it. Many have often described social media as being addictive than alcohol and cigarettes. Platforms like facebook, instagram and snapchat are mostly seen as the most addictive. A lot of us just can't go on our normal day-to-day activities without checking on those networks and also can't have a good night sleep without spending great amount of time online, late in the night.

Several researches have confirmed that work productivity in several fields have greatly been affected due to social media addiction of employees. In the same sense, performances of students in the secondary and tertiary levels are also badly affected.

There are surely more negatives to be identified but the most important thing is to find solutions to the bad effects the 21st century's most cherished tool, social media has brought.

In short, the solutions to all of the negatives pointed out above can be realized if we put to action the direct opposite of those. For instance, being real to yourself instead of faking your identity, channeling more time on your studies or job than unproductive social media chats, refraining from cyberbullying, amongst other factors.

In a latter article, we may seek to delve deeper into ways and mechanisms to deploy in order to take advantage of the positives of social media and make the virtual world a better place to live in.

Writer: Edward Kyei Frimpong

Wednesday, 8 August 2018


My principle in life has always been; if God cannot trust you with money, he definitely cannot trust you with the souls of men. Your genuineness and honesty in the handling of money basically determines how far God can take you in ministry.

 Even with the little you have now, if you cannot be faithful, forget it coz there's no way you're going to the next level. Many young ministers, out of the love of money, have forsaken their core mandate in ministry and are not making any great impact as expected of them.

Always remember that it is not your craving for wealth that will make it manifest in your life. Rather, your faithfulness activates the unction of prosperity not only financially, but in every area of your life.

Young pastor, look beyond the pressure and tendency of amassing wealth in the shortest possible time, all in the name of trying to be in the class of that known minister of God.

 Get in mind that the temptation to use "all means" to enrich yourself is almost always not an instinct of God. And if the devil can influence you financially, you're basically his slave.

I really have a lot to share about how the craving for money has hindered a lot of mighty vessel who once were on unstoppable fire of the Holy Spirit. However let me pause here and allow you to ponder on all of these above....

Writer: Edward Kyei Frimpong

Wednesday, 9 March 2016

Grant Taking Ghana For Granted

It is a prestigious position to earn as the coach of the senior national football team of Ghana especially from the backdrop of our three consecutive world cup outfits and pedigree on the African continent. A job that many Ghanaian coaches are dying to to have and serve their nation of birth. It is rather sad that these days, our football handlers find no interest in giving the black stars coaching job to locals and hence, handing it to Avram Grant in late 2014.

With a short time of preparing the team, Avram Grant guided Ghana to the final of the African cup of nations last year only to lose to Ivory Coach on penalties. Grant became a darling of many Ghanaian soccer fans because of the way his hand-print was displayed on the pitch by the players of the black stars. Subsequently, Ghana placing second in the tournament meant every member of the team earned himself a brand new karaoke car.

A very months after the FIFA world cup as well as the African cup qualifiers began and again coach Avram Grant with his superstitious blue shirt, guided Ghana with exceptional results till the end of last year. However, Ghana football Association gave Grant the month of December 2015 to go on leave in his home country and return to Ghana in January 2016. Interestingly, after three months, the coach had still not return to Ghana to monitor activities here. It had to take the GFA to officially write to him to give him an ultimatum to return or risk being punished for his long absence from Ghana.

Prior to his short leave to Israel by the permission of the GFA, Avram Grant was criticizing the poor organization and delay of the Ghana league as the reason why the local players are not getting call-ups into the black stars. I believe as at that time, it was alright to understand what he meant but now that the league has started and moving into week four, we can no longer agree to that claim. Many Ghanaians believe three months stay in Europe was more than enough time to have monitored Ghana players abroad and should have returned to Ghana at least a week to the start of the Ghanaian league. It is quite a disgrace to even think that the national team coach of the Ghana is not interested in what is happening in the country that has employed him.

Avram Grant is undoubtedly one of the highest paid national team coaches in the world with a monthly salary of $50,000 a month and yet he barely stays in Ghana for a month. One can confidently say that apart from Africa and Ghana in particular, this kind of situation can never happen in any European country. For instance, I don't think the Spain national team coach can stay in another country for three months without monitoring the Spanish league and still maintain his job. Oh No! He would have lost his job long time. This is the country we find ourselves in that foreigners are far more respected than locals.
It wouldn't be much of a wonder if a local coach was in the same position of Grant and acting same way, he would have been sacked.

Ghana has a crucial AFCON qualifier against Mozambique in two weeks time and yet there has not been any monitoring of local players by the head coach of the Black Stars. In few days, Grant will announce his squad for the two legged encounter, and it is so predictable that 99% if not 100% will be Ghanaian players plying their trade abroad. The attitude of the coach towards the Ghanaian league is simply an insult to the GFA and the premier league board if they don't know already. There are so many talents there who can easily fit into the black stars but the question is; who is ready to monitor and recommend them for a call up? Of course I know journalists will do their best to identify and recommend the best talents here but if the coach turn deaf ears, it will all be in vain.

In conclusion, I'm pleading to coach Avram Grant that now that he has arrived in Ghana, he should be be very vigilant to monitor the best of talent who can legitimately fit into the black stars set up. Again Grant  should do well to stay for at least the next three months to get a feel of the local league and boost the moral of players his with his presence at games in the league.

WRITER: Edward Kyei Frimpong

SMART Goals To Grow Your Social Media Account

The media today cannot strive greatly without utilizing the advanced technologies available for use in this dispensation. That is why it is ...